Ages 12+

Eureka Pinball Machine

from Eureka Crate


Use physics to engineer an action-packed, intergalactic pinball game!Read more

Engineer monthly projects with
Eureka Crate

How it works

  1. 1

    Start with this project. Everything you need to build your Eureka Pinball Machine is included.

  2. 2

    Delivered monthly.Get a fun surprise every month after. Pause or cancel anytime


  3. 3

    Serious fun!Inspire a love of science and engineering with Whoa, Awesome builds.

Start with Eureka Pinball Machine

A fun new engineering project every month

Other projects from Eureka Crate

Programmable Music Box

Build a music box that plays songs you compose yourself!

Table Tennis Robot

Engineer a table tennis robot that makes non-stop play a grand slam!

Mechanical Lockbox

Engineer a lock box to keep your stuff safe!

Start with Eureka Pinball Machine

Develop a love of
science & engineeringBurst graphic

Innovator working on a Eureka STEM box

With monthly, hands-on builds you will develop the tools and skills to be an innovator. After all, innovators have the power to change the world.

Start with Eureka Pinball Machine


What is Eureka Crate?

How are the crates designed?

What topics will be explored with Eureka Crate?

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3 reviews



    My grandkids just loved it. Fun! So well made



    The pinball machine instructions were clear and the result is a fun game that I think we will be able to play with for many years! It's running smoothly!



    Love, love, love! This was absolutely as amazing as I had hoped. It was more challenging than his usual Tinker Crates which he was thrilled about. We thought he would need support but, he navigated the directions alone and loves the completed project.

  1. play-pause-stop icon graphic

    Flexible options — switch lines, pause, or cancel anytime


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