DIY Cutting Box

Snip, snip, snip! My two-year-old is very interested in learning to use scissors and cut things. I developed this DIY cutting box to give her the tools to build up her cutting skills. The different, exciting materials motivates her to keep practicing!

  1. Ages: 3 - 4

  2. <30 minutes

  3. A little messy

  4. Grownup needed


Materials you'll need

Step-by-step tutorial

  • Step 1

    Gather materials that will be fun and simple for your child to practicing cutting. I got together lots of construction paper strips, card stock strips, string and yarn, pipe cleaners, craft foam, straws, wrapping paper, etc.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 1

  • Step 2

    Put those materials in a box with safety scissors or kid-friendly scissors and give your child the freedom to practice cutting.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 2

  • Final result!

    Some materials will be easier than others to cut and some will need to be held on each end tightly for your child to snip. The more practice with scissors, the better! What can you do with all of the small pieces that have been cut? Save them to glue onto construction paper for a mosaic art piece or collage.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 3

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