Salt Container Bird Feeder

We love making bird feeders in our house. They are fun to put together, but the real fun starts when you get to see the little visitors come by for a snack. It gives my children a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Ages: 3 - 11

  2. <30 minutes

  3. A little messy

  4. Grownup needed


Materials you'll need

Step-by-step tutorial

  • Step 1

    This craft takes a little bit of grownup-only work with the x-acto knife. I usually do this before I introduce my kids to the project, but I did have them draw the door on the feeder so I could cut it out just the way they wanted it.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 1

  • Step 2

    I removed the spout on top of the container and cut an additional hole across from it. (This is where you'll string the wire through to hang your feeder.)

    Photo reference of how to complete step 2

  • Step 3

    Next, I cut two holes on the bottom to fit our little branch. My daughter easily fit her branch right through.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 3

  • Step 4

    I cut out her little door. (You could also cut out windows.) My daughter wanted her windows in marker.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 4

  • Step 5

    She added some special touches. Every bird house needs a few flowers.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 5

  • Step 6

    Floral wire worked well to hang our feeder with. Sometimes when we use twine the sneaky squirrels chew through the twine and steal the entire feeder! True story.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 6

  • Step 7

    The final step was to add the birdseed and our feeder was ready to be hung in our tree right outside a window. This way we can see our little bird friends when they stop by!

    Photo reference of how to complete step 7

  • Final result!

    This worked perfectly! A bird came by within an hour after hanging. My daughter was so proud. Note: this house is probably best for summertime since it won't stand up to any wet weather.

    Photo reference of how to complete step 8

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