Chain Reaction Workshop ➜

Educator Favorites

Educator Favorites

120 results

Environmental Science: Oil Cleanup image

Environmental Science: Oil Cleanup

$29.71$34.95 15% off

Farmers Market image

Farmers Market


Giant Bubbles image

Giant Bubbles


Record Racer image

Record Racer

$33.96$39.95 15% off

Spin Art Machine image

Spin Art Machine

$22.36$27.95 20% off

Showing 32 of 120

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Boost Learning with Team Building Activities

Our STEAM kits offer team building activities for students and educators in all environments — homeschools, classrooms, and after-school programs. Each hands-on project tackles an intriguingly awesome challenge, like creating gooey slime or building a drip irrigation system. Teach kids valuable lessons about cooperation and nurture communication skills with hands-on, group activities design to spark fun and learning.